Phonomological Analysis of Vulcan Utterances Rob Zook Tue, 28 Oct 1997 21:03:40 -0600 Hi all, It's in the works. Seriously, just like Saul I've been a busy little beaver. I have been finishing up a program to subject the words to a count of the phonomes so we can get a feel for the sounds distribution of the language. However, the spellings in the dictionary do not always correspond to the phonetic inventory in the lexicon so I need some help on how to respell them in a consistant manner for the analysis program. I'm pretty sure that all the ones with the letters "oy" probably should be spelled "oi", given that's the way that "kroykah" sounded in _Amok Time_. We should probably do the same with any "y" combination. Except for a few specific instances the rest of the "y" occurances below probably act as a consonent. The one that really bugs me is what the heck should "kh" sound like? An aspirated "k" or a fricative "k"? My personal preference is the fricative. One more thing which suggests itself - the excessive use of "h" with a vowel probably indicates a short vowel rather than an extra breathy syllable. This seems to appear in words from the ST Novels more than anywhere else. I have extracted a few words from the dictionary which will prove troublesome to the analysis program, and a suggested alterate spelling: Dictionary Version Some guesses ------------------ ------------- ahkh akh? an'kharh an'kharh (the reflexive "r"?) ahn'woon an'wuun? breish breic? d'Vel'nahr d'velnar? droy droi? eschak estcak? farr far or farh? imroy imroi? Ka'athyra Ka'athaira (Zvelebil y usage) kae'k'akkayam kae'k'akkayam (consonent y?) kahru karu? kahr-y-tan kar-ai-tan? kahs'khiori kas'khiori? kahs'wan kas'wan? kash kac? Kh'askpetheya'th Kh'askpetheya'th (consonent y?) Kh'askeyralatha Kh'askei(?)ralatha Kh'sparkeyralatha Kh'sparkeyralatha? kh'liorah kh'liora? kreyla kreila? kroykah kroika? kunat kali-fee kunat kali-fii? kya kaia? kyani kaiani? Kya'shin kaia'cin? k'wawzhe k'wawje? lahso laso? lasha laca? leshriq lecriq? le'matya le'matya (consonent y?) loshiraq lociraq? losherok locerok? manah mana? matoy matoi? mnah mna? niazh niaj? nidroy nidroi? niorah niora? nirsh nirc? ni'rch nirtc? pon farr pon far? p'pil'lay p'pil'la'ai? saya saya? sbah sba? Shafor cafor? shan can? Shar car? shi'kar ci'kar? shi-ka'ree ci'ka'rii? shroy shroi? tal'shaya tal'caya? tich titc? t'hy'la t'hai'la? totsu'k'hy tottsu'k'hai? tr'aiyar tr'aiyar? viproy viproi? vrekasht vrekact? Wh'ltri whltri? All the rest of the words in the library match both the Zvelebil Lexicon and Saul's alternate orthography. Comments?/Questions? Rob Z.