Re: VL-TRANS: a favorite saying Saul Epstein Tue, 21 Oct 1997 10:28:47 -0500 At 11:52 AM 10/20/97 -0500, Rob wrote: >At 09:56 AM 10/20/97 -0700, Marketa wrote: > >>As long as it is used and anything that we have done acknowledged if send >>futher >>out etc. Then GO for it folks. My father and I did this when I was ill and >>he was humouring my love for StarTrek. He admitted that it was fun >>creating a new language. But now he has too much work to work on this >>any further - apart from answering the occasional questions. Which when >>you send them I have to save and fax them to France where he lives while >>I live in the UK. All we (my dad and I ) want is that this laguages developes >>more or less according to the lines we propesed. > >Well, I don't know about you Saul but this looks like an official go-ahead >to me . Yes, and I'll add that I will certainly try always to fit our work with the existing foundation. >BTW, have any of you checked this page out. It has lots of really >interesting stuff, very applicable to the present problem: > >http://www,tezcat,com/~markrose/kit,html Very cool. When I get time... >Well, what do you think of the word generation methodology? Before we >can implement it we need to develope some more detailed mophological >and phonomological rules. We could start by doing a word count and >frequency distributions of words we have so far. We can then isolate >some phonomes in the words in the dictionary. Sounds good. I must warn you that I'm not in a position to be especially helpful right now. Duty and all. -- from Saul Epstein liberty uit net www johnco cc ks us sepstein "Surak ow'pha:per the's'hi the's'cha'; the's'pha:dzhar the's'hi surakecha'." -- K'dvarin Ursw~l'at