Re: VL-TRANS: a favorite saying Marketa J Zvelebil Mon, 20 Oct 1997 09:56:33 -0700 > >Also, what does your father think of sharing out parts of the project > >to people on this list? > > Obviously, I'm curious about that too. ;-, > > -- As long as it is used and anything that we have done acknowledged if send futher out etc. Then GO for it folks. My father and I did this when I was ill and he was humouring my love for StarTrek. He admitted that it was fun creating a new language. But now he has too much work to work on this any further - apart from answering the occasional questions. Which when you send them I have to save and fax them to France where he lives while I live in the UK. All we (my dad and I ) want is that this laguages developes more or less according to the lines we propesed. Hope this answers some of the questions. Cheers Marketa -- Dr. Marketa J Zvelebil, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, 91 Riding House Street London W1P 8BT, ENGLAND. Tel: (44) 0171 878-4012 ,Fax: (44) 0171 878-4040 e-mail: marketa*ludwig,ucl,ac,uk http://www,ludwig,ucl,ac,uk/st/hello,html * "Computers make excellent and efficient servants but I have no wish to serve under them." (Spock - The Ultimate Computer)