Re: Glottal stops (was: B. Cthia and Nom) hotlisp Sun, 27 Apr 1997 22:54:01 GMT In message <3,0,1,32,19970423163127,009f8c94*atlas> Rob Zook writes: > > It's an interesting coincidence, but _Foundations of Linguistics_ > says that this is just opposite of one of the ways the glottal > stop works in English. For example, one can pronounce bottle > as b*tl or as b*'l (Again that * represents a International > phonetic symbol the one which looks like and upside down "c"). > You have effectively pointed out that glottal stops are very common in Cockney, if not in English. Do we have any Cockneys reading this who could cast light on the whole question? Cockneys pronounce "hospital" as "'ospi'al". -- Jacqueline Y. Comben fire-breathing dragon and ex-lisper!